Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Venice, Cità Excelentissima: Selections from the Renaissance Diaries of Marin Sanudo

Venice, Cità Excelentissima: Selections from the Renaissance Diaries of Marin Sanudo

Venice, Cità Excelentissima: Selections from the Renaissance Diaries of Marin Sanudo

Venice, Cità Excelentissima: Selections from the Renaissance Diaries of Marin Sanudo PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

When Venice was both a center of Renaissance culture and a gathering place for news from around the world, Marin Sanudo tried to write everything down. He was the finest diarist of his time, with a keen eye for the everyday and the monumental alike. Venice, Cità Excelentissima offers a broad and engaging introduction to Sanudo's detailed observations of life in his beloved city and the world it knew.

This expertly translated volume glimpses into Renaissance life at a spectacular time when Venice was at the top of its game. Organized thematically, the selections offer a Venetian's viewpoint of the glories of high culture, the gritty reality and sparkling drama of daily life, the perils of diplomacy and war, and the high-risk ventures of voyages and commerce.

Here, the work of the Renaissance's most assiduous historian is finally given the accessibility it warrants and the merit it is due.

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Venice, Cità Excelentissima: Selections from the Renaissance Diaries of Marin Sanudo EPub

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