Variations - Meat & Poultry (Variations Cookbook) by Bettina Snowdon, Sylvia Winnewisser
Variations - Meat & Poultry (Variations Cookbook) by Bettina Snowdon, Sylvia Winnewisser PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What should I cook today? Those who refuse to put convenience food on the table for themselves and loved ones are familiar with this question. Quite often one simply resorts to the tried and true recipes. Creative Cooking offers a real alternative to the daily kitchen routine, because in addition to the reliable basic recipes it provides tasty variations. Each basic recipe is explained and illustrated step by step so that less expert cooks can also quickly master the preparations. And for those who like to try something new, there are four to six additional variations, also appetizingly illustrated and replete with many sauce and side dish tips. Depending on the ingredients on hand, the time available and preferences, these cook books can be a source of hundreds of different recipes.From reader reviews:
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