Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ New Orleans Drumming

New Orleans Drumming

New Orleans Drumming

New Orleans Drumming PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

New Orleans Drumming rolls three best-selling videos (Street Beats: Modern Applications; Ragtime and Beyond: Evolution of a Style; and From R&B to Funk) into one DVD! And, New Orleans Drumming features a roster of incredible artists: Johnny Vidacovich, one of New Orleans' most well-known musicians who has played with John Scofield, James Booker and more; Herlin Riley, a member of one of New Orleans' premier musical families and touring musician for The Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra; Earl Palmer, the most recorded drummer in history who has worked with Fats Domino, Little Richard and other legendary performers; and Herman Ernest, known for his creative and syncopated funk playing, who has also recorded with The Neville Brothers, Etta James and Labelle among others. Special features include a performance only option and printable charts.

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