Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Networked Anthropology: A Primer for Ethnographers by Samuel Gerald Collins, Matthew Slover Durington

Networked Anthropology: A Primer for Ethnographers by Samuel Gerald Collins, Matthew Slover Durington

Networked Anthropology: A Primer for Ethnographers

Networked Anthropology: A Primer for Ethnographers by Samuel Gerald Collins, Matthew Slover Durington PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The advent of social media offers anthropologists exciting opportunities to extend their research to communities in fresh ways. At the same time, these technological developments open up anthropological fieldwork to different hazards. Networked Anthropology explores the increasing appropriation of diverse media platforms and social media into anthropological research and teaching. The chapters consider the possibilities and challenges of multimedia, how network ecologies work, the ethical dilemmas involved, and how to use multimedia methodologies. The book combines theoretical insights with case studies, methodological sketches and pedagogical notes. Drawing on recent ethnographic work, the authors provide practical guidance in creative ways of doing networked anthropology. They point to the future of ethnography, both inside and outside the classroom, and consider ways in which networked anthropology might develop.

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Networked Anthropology: A Primer for Ethnographers by Samuel Gerald Collins, Matthew Slover Durington EPub

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