Behind The Red Door: Unlock Your Advocacy Influence And Success by Karen B. Moore
Behind The Red Door: Unlock Your Advocacy Influence And Success by Karen B. Moore PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Unlock Your Influence and SuccessEye-catching, bold, and welcoming: a red door is all
of these things. But is your organization reflective of
such traits? Karen Moore, founder and CEO of Moore
Communications Group, is redefining advocacy and
can help you influence public policy, drive your business
objectives, and foster engagement in your brand equity.
In behind the RED DOOR , Karen Moore provides you with
the knowledge and tools to:
understand the value of advocacy engagement for
your organization
build your organization’s advocacy plan
mobilize advocates for success
set advocacy goals and subsequently measure their
enhance your brand equity and viability through
advocacy efforts
Regardless of the goals within your organization, advocacy
is the key to unlocking your success. So turn the first page
. . . open the red door!
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