Sabtu, 18 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ In the Den (Mastered) (Volume 6) by Sierra Cartwright

In the Den (Mastered) (Volume 6) by Sierra Cartwright

In the Den (Mastered) (Volume 6)

In the Den (Mastered) (Volume 6) by Sierra Cartwright PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What could be headier than the surrender of a powerfully dominant woman? Dom Damien Lowell has always respected Domme Catrina Davidson. He likes the way she interacts with her subs, confident, kind, firm. And for years he’s fantasised about her submitting to him. What could be hotter than having the sexy Domme squirming beneath his lash? One evening, Damien challenges her, saying she’d be a much better Domme if she experienced submission…to him. Catrina doesn’t have a single submissive tendency. But she’s oh-so turned on when she watches a sub respond to Damien. A secret part of her is intrigued, and she asks herself, what harm can come from giving him two weeks? Over the next fortnight, she is introduced to the pleasures and perils of servitude. She has to admit that he’s right—her understanding of submission is deeper, more profound, than it would have been otherwise. But the private experiences they share in the Den leave her emotionally shattered, making her question everything she thought she knew. In her unique way, Catrina too, challenges Damien, forcing him to grow as a Dom, and he wonders how the hell he’ll ever be able to let her go.

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