Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Paula Hayes by Paula Hayes, Richard D. Marshall

Paula Hayes by Paula Hayes, Richard D. Marshall

Paula Hayes

Paula Hayes by Paula Hayes, Richard D. Marshall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Artist Paula Hayes is most famous for her exquisite, high-end art terrariums of organically shaped, handblown glass, but her affinity for all things green extends to full gardens as well. She has created over twenty full gardens for private clients around the country. This volume, the first monograph on her work, is structured in a two-part format that devotes equal attention to both.

A fixture of the New York art scene for over twenty years, Paula Hayes's popularity among art collectors and the public has swelled dramatically over the past few. Her installation in the lobby of MoMA, Nocturne of the Limax Maximus, garnered much critical acclaim and landed her a feature on CBS Sunday Morning.

She installed an oversized terrarium in the lobby of Lever House in New York City, and a solo exhibition on her work was held at the Wexler Art Center in Columbus, Ohio, where she also installed a permanent garden adjacent to the museum's main entrance.

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