Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ The Blackworld: Evolution to Revolution by Prince Justice

The Blackworld: Evolution to Revolution by Prince Justice

The Blackworld: Evolution to Revolution

The Blackworld: Evolution to Revolution by Prince Justice PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A chronological study of the Black African race, proving the West African origin of humanity and civilization. Using Orisha history cycles, DNA and linguistic evidence, it traces the 10,000 BC beginning of Black African civilization and its spread to Ancient Egypt, Sumner, IVC and South China. It provides a comparative analysis of African and Eurasian beliefs systems. Tying the Orisha cycles to the Biblical Horsemen, it shows the 2000BC spread of Caucasians from Central Asia and their destruction of Black Eurasian empires, as they gradually takeover all the way to Nigeria, the Negro Heartland. From an Original African perspective, it chronicles the slave trade, Haitian Ogun Revolution, the end of slavery and beginning of colonization. It concludes with the analysis of the 1900s global Black Power movement and its derailment with character and physical assassinations - especially the global Western inspired corruption propaganda of 1965, 1984 and 2015 in Nigeria, Brazil, Ghana, South Africa etc.

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