Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Gone With The Tide: The Vanishing Gullahs and Geechees by Mr. Pearce W. Hammond

Gone With The Tide: The Vanishing Gullahs and Geechees by Mr. Pearce W. Hammond

Gone With The Tide: The Vanishing Gullahs and Geechees

Gone With The Tide: The Vanishing Gullahs and Geechees by Mr. Pearce W. Hammond PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Many Americans are unaware that along the South Carolina and Georgia coast lies a culture more strongly rooted in African ways than any other in America. In quiet self-sufficiency, the Gullahs and Geechees lived off the water and the land on isolated barrier sea islands with their own unique language, lifestyle and culture. It was life in a simpler time with pristine saltwater for fishing, crabbing and gathering oysters; virgin maritime forests; sand roads and wild game. In many ways the Gullahs and Geechees are part of the modern world but in other ways they have preserved the traditions of their ancestors. However, if the culture dies, a significant part of the culture of the low country of South Carolina and Georgia will be lost along with African Americans' purest link to their past. To this day, the Gullah and Geechee people are trying to hold steadfastly to the way of life of their African ancestors, passing on their traditions from one generation to another and this book will inspire others to keep their story alive for future generations. Illustrated with original Gullah/Geechee art by the author, Pearce W. Hammond, this book contains an abundance of historical information about the Gullah and Geechee people of South Carolina and Georgia along with extensive examples of their unique language, superstitions, folklore, and customs and traditions. In addition, there is a section on low country cooking with recipes and Gullah cooking related terms.

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